Critical Contributions

/Critical Contributions
Critical Contributions2017-12-11T18:15:18+02:00

Project Description

This section of the Pompeo Mariani Archives © retains almost the entire body of first-person accounts and critical writings that, spanning the seven decades, have attempted to investigate and analyse the phenomenology of art and ideas of Pompeo Mariani. The first records date back to the late 1870s, and are composed of heterogeneous materials, ranging from simple reviews in periodicals of the time, to highly challenging pieces in specialised magazines (e.g. Emporium or L’Illustrazione Italiana); but also essays, catalogue presentations, and information cards for paintings exhibited over the years at the various exhibitions throughout the country. The collected materials range from the early days of Mariani’s artistic fame (in fact, we would say from his first public commission) to the present day, drawing with great precision the path – sometimes fortunate and sometimes neglected – of Pompeo Mariani, as an artist and as a man.

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